Terms & Conditions
1. Registration Process:
a) Registration is open to every person who wants to join the “Omuzigo Ntayi” land saving Campaign.
b) Any person who wants to Join the said campaign shall register with the company by Paying a registration fee of UGX 10,000/= (Ten thousand Uganda shillings), provide a photocopy of his or her national Identification card and two of his or her recent passport photo graphs.
c) Upon fulfillment of the requirements in 1(b) above, the registrant shall be issued with a registration form and upon filling it, the registrant’s file shall be opened for him or her and from hence forth, that person shall be deemed to be dully registered client into the “Muzigo Ntayi” land saving campaign.
d) Upon successful registration the member shall be issued with a savings book where all his or her deposits shall be recorded in respect of her land saving account with the company.
e) Registration of any new client/s may either be done at the company offices or through the company’s designated online platform as the prevailing circumstances may dictate.
2. Duration for Saving:
a) A client shall be required to complete payment of the agreed deposits in respect of his or her land saving account within a maximum period of only 2(Two) years.
b) The management of the company reserves the right to reschedule the time frame within which the client should pay up the agreed depositbut such rescheduling shall only be effective and binding upon it being reduced into writing and signed by the client and a representative of the company.
3. Modes of Payment:
a) A client may either directly pay his or her savings for the land saving campaign in cash at the company’s account’s offices or directly deposit the funds on the company’s bank account number (1006201166738) held in EQUITY BANK UGANDA, in the names of CITY SITES LIMITED or deposit the same on the official company’s mobile
money number (+256 700 404066) whereof, the deposit slip or the transaction ID shall be conclusive evidence of payment by the client.
b) A client shall always be required to bring the company given savings book whenever he or she comes to make a deposit/ payment for his land saving campaign.
c) The minimum amount to be deposit into the client’s land saving account shall be determine by the client and the company shall not impose onto the client any minimum thresholds as to daily, weekly or monthly payment to be deposited onto the clients land savings account.
4. Access to the Property:
a) The client shall not have the right to access, use, occupy or take possession of the property/ land for which he or she is saving for unless the client has saved up in deposits for the same up to 60% ( sixty percent)
b) Where a client has saved up to 60% for the land intended to be purchased from the company, he or she shall be issued with a temporary permit which shall enable the client to possess and start using the land but such permit shall not operate as a transfer of ownership of the land by the company to the client.
c) It shall only be upon complete payment of the agreed deposit into the client’s land saving account that the company shall sign a land sale agreement with the client and also sign transfer instruments for the client to enable him or her become the lawful owner of the piece of land saved for during the campaign.
5. Inspection of sites
a) Once a client has accumulated up to 60% of the agreed savings in the land savings account, he or she shall be required to inspect the company sites where the land saved for is situated and all expenses and facilitation for the inspection shall be borne by the company.
b) In the event the client desires to inspect a site before accumulating the minimum threshold of 60% on his or her land saving account, the client shall instead be responsible to cater for the transport costs to the site and the auxiliary expenses associated with the site inspection.
6. Savings Refund.
a) In the event the client has by any reason, failed to deposit the agreed sum on his or her land saving account, but such client requests for a refund of the funds so far deposited on his or her account, the company shall only issue to him or her a refund of the same upon deducting from the client’s available funds, a management cost equivalent to 20% (twenty percent) and the refund shall be less by the deduction.
b) Where the client has failed to fulfill his or her saving obligation towards the campaign, the company will be pleased to assist the client in finding alternative ways on how to reach his or her saving goal before a refund is issued to the client.
7. Secondary ownership
a) In the event the client is by death or is by any means incapacitated and unable to continue with the obligation of paying and saving up for his or her land saving campaign, any person registered as the Next of Kin shall be given priority to take on and accomplish the land savings campaign.
b) In the event, a refund is required by the Next of Kin, such refund shall instead be subject to a deduction of a management costs equivalent to 10% (Ten percent) from the available funds on the client’s land savings account and the refund shall be less by the deduction.
Client’s declaration.
NOTE: For persons under the age of 18years- acceptance of these terms and conditions should be effected by a parent or guardian whose name and contact should be recorded.
I __________________________________________________ (the client) hereby confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions contained herein above and I agree to abide by them at all time. I agree that my dully filled registration form and all of the terms and conditions therein and hereinabove, constitute a binding agreement between me
and the company (City Sites LTD).
Signature ______________________________________ Date__________________
Company verification:
I have seen and verified that the client read and understood the terms and condition contained herein above and where applicable, an interpretation has been accorded to the client in a language the client understands before appending his/her signature in acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Name___________________________________ Date_______ ________________
Signature _________________________________
Designation ____________________________
For and on behalf of City Sites Ltd.